Searching For Authenticity
WARNING: If you're not a Christian already, listening to this will probably not make you one either and if you are a Christian, you probably won't go to hell for listening to this...although I guarantee nothing. The contents herein are the observations of one wayward soul longing for a sense of home. They will likely challenge your sensibilities and could at times be offensive, not merely for the sake of offense but because it may challenge what you have long accepted as normal, usual, and expected from someone in my position...a pastor, preacher, evangelist, teacher, or whatever label you would prefer. I prefer "Shannon" it's what my parents named me and it comes with slightly less baggage than most of the other things you might call me.
Podcasting since 2019 • 17 episodes
Searching For Authenticity
Latest Episodes
S4:E1 Am I Doing This Right?
Far too often we are told that we have to do things a certain way with regard to our faith in order for them to be valid or legitimate. But does scripture actually back that up or is that insecure people calling themselves "Christians" trying t...
Season 4
Episode 1

S3:E2 Admitting There’s A Problem
The key to meaningful change is admitting that there’s a problem in the first place. Join us as we examine ourselves and the church for where we’re getting it wrong and how we can do better.
Season 3
Episode 2

S3:E1 Taking Out The Trash
We’ve all heard a lot of misleading messages about God’s anger because it’s usually taken that God is angry at people and wants to wipe out the disobedient ones. But what if God really, really loves us and just wants to wipe out the things in u...
Season 3
Episode 1